Friday, August 15, 2014

The Reality of Focus

      I've read and re-read the section in moodlerooms called "ACM Journal Blog" and the last time took notes. I've let what I've read and have written percolate. The reality of taking notes and blogging in a very structured way is to say at the least daunting to me. Why?  Because of the gift of time.  Time Management is a skill at the success of any/most endeavors. Life has a way of teaching one the value of  time management.  In reading the Forum/Discussion in moodlerooms it seems as if almost all learners see this as an issue.

     But, Time Management while a skill is not what I read about. I read about blogging. Blogging about challenges, new ideas, my reactions to other's ideas, and most importantly what questions arise in my mind, in my heart. Blogging is partly based on readings; it is important to focus on time managing my reading and my blogging.  But, but, I wanna be free!

     Most recently a friend of mine called and asked if I wanted to go for dinner.  I declined as I was on evening duty caring for my mother who may not be left alone.  My friend accepted my response and added, "Well, it's okay. You have been a free spirit for all your life, it's probably time you settled down in some area of your life." That got me thinking.  She speaks the truth.  I don't think I have ever considered that I have always done what I've wanted, pretty much when I've wanted.  Ignore a reading to see a movie, skip a meeting to meet someone for dinner, not bad things but still things that have changed my focus.  I must say that I did feel I was focused when I worked for the telecommunications corporation and accomplished many, many things.  Does that count, I wondered?

     I've decided that it isn't enough to keep a calendar or schedule to read and re-evaluate or think about something and blog, if I am truly not committed to it. COMMITMENT!

     Wow! Reality has hit me in the head. Calendar items and commit to a schedule as you have done in the past.  Follow your own advice let no person, no thing interfere with your goal of completing ACM.  It will be difficult at times. "No man is an island." Seek the help of other learners and the support of the team.

     I will accomplish the goal of not only completing the ACM course, but of growing in Spirituality. In my mind's eye, I see the group of us holding hands and singing that old song,
"Ain't no stoppin' us now, we're on the move!"

     It will be fun! God be with us!

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