Thursday, August 20, 2015

Time's Up! We Go Out!

Time's Up! It's time to get back in the groove. It's time for classes to begin. Ah--brain stimulation. Teen Confirmation classes start soon and are a time to meet new young people. Time to listen to what's happening in their school lives, music, and the latest in technology and linguistics. It's exciting to learn from them and watch them grow in their faith.

For those returning for their second year, it's time to share how much they have matured over the summer. Teens really do change from first to the second year. It's time for us as adults to continue to grow in faith together with our teenagers and have fun.

For me, time's up, many things will be starting anew. For example, my Advanced Catechetical Ministries class starts at the end of this week. It's been a long time since I've seen so many people. Time of mental relaxation is up! It's time to listen, gain insight, read, grow closer to Jesus.

I'm also going to attempt a Bible Study class which I hope doesn't have too much homework in between because that will become difficult. But, I've had this desire to grow in the knowledge of Scripture for some time now. I think taking a class at the parish before going to Loyola will be easier.

Time is past up for Harmonia Choir as we were back from vacation at the beginning of August. September calls us to settle down and get serious for the Liturgical Seasons of the year. We will be getting ready for the Commissioning of the Catechists at the Cathedral. I'm not sure if we will be invited to the San Fernando Regional Congress. It's coming up very soon. And, my most favorite wish is being invited to the Installation Mass of our three Bishops Elect. Wouldn't that be a thrill? But, I think more than likely it will be the house choir that gets the opportunity to sing at that Mass. Maybe I will be fortunate enough to attend that day. Then, it will be Advent and Christmas and the Mass of the Unborn. I am the receiver of so many gifts of such great blessing. More than you could ever imagine.

It's past time to get my act together and be more disciplined. The past I don't know how many years, maybe almost nine, it has been hard for me to focus and really concentrate on what I want to accomplish in this phase of my life. But, I know if I put my mind to it, with the help of my very best friend, Jesus I will find it.

Thank you for my son, Justin who picks up where I leave off in caring for his grandma with kindness and gentleness. May God bless him for his compassion and mercy to the both of us. I love him very much.

I must admit that at this time in my life I feel a little lost. I didn't know how much working stimulated me. I've also learned that male companionship is important to me. Everything has its own time. I've sort of felt as if I am becoming a recluse just staying home taking care of mom. But, it does need to be done as Mama is happier and better off at home than in a place where she would be mistreated by strangers. I know everything will fall into place as the Lord calls me to live.

It gives me great joy to share my faith with our youth in Confirmation and with others through Music Ministry. I'm going to make more of a concerted effort to nourish myself and my spirit. After all, aren't these main reasons why I am in ministry? I minister to others and they minister to me. Together we go out into the world as disciples to make disciples! Times up! WE GO OUT!

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