Monday, November 17, 2014

Evangelization: My Heritage, My Privilege

Sometimes one can be intimidated by some words.  Take for instance the following title, "Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revalation, Dei Verbum Solemnly Promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI.  I'm already thinking, excuse me that's Blessed Pope Paul VI. My next thought is what exactly is the meaning of the word promulgated. I think I know, but I'd like to be sure.  I look it up.  According to my favorite, it is a verb 1. to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally put into operation, 2. to set forth or teach publicly (a creed, doctrine, etc.). I think next that Blessed Pope Paul VI thought this subject to be of such importance that he wants to bring it to our attention that we may ponder it and put it into action.  What exactly is it?
What is it that we need to know?

First, God, the Father loves us, His creation so much that he wants to give us, humankind information that will help us get to Him, a road map of sorts.  He wants us to be united with Him so much that He even sent Jesus the Christ, His only Son to live among us, befriend us, teach us through words and action.

I'm getting ahead of myself.  Before sending Jesus, God the Father had a relationship with our ancestors in faith, people like Abraham and Moses and others who taught that He wanted us to be good people so that we would be saved. Rom. 2:6-7

So far, I think most of us know the story of the Old and New Testament.

One of the important pieces of this teaching is that man/woman has the choice to freely believe in God. In forming this relationship, many graces are given and the influence of the Holy Spirit guides one throughout daily living to bring the Kingdom to fruition in our communities and to one day be united with God.

Throughout all of Salvation History God has through the Holy Spirit inspired lots of people beginning with the Apostles to follow Him, love Him through the everyday loving of God and neighbor.   Because of the deep grace and commitment of others today we have the Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition that have been preserved and handed down to us through the centuries.

What does this mean for me/you?  It means that Salvation History is our family story as Catholic Christians.  It means that we have a grace-filled and holy inheritance should we choose to accept God's unconditional love. We must be an example, congruent in thought, word and deed before anything else otherwise, we have no credibility and are seen as hypocrites inside and outside the church.

How do I creatively continue to tell the truth of our faith family history story:  my heritage and my privilege?

Come, Holy Spirit. Come!


  1. Thank you for sharing your insights, Phyllis. It is a joy to read your posts and watch your understanding and awareness of our faith grow and evolve.

  2. Dione, Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my blog. I've gotten a little behind in my view. When I consider stepping into my very first ACM class I can't help but think that God in His wisdom and love guided me towards you and your colleagues so that I may grow in faith, hope and love. God is good!
