Monday, November 10, 2014

A Thought On All Souls Day

All Souls Day is a great day of HOPE for me.  It brings the promise of Light where Jesus in John 6:37-40 states His reason for coming and what we must do to have Eternal Life.  I sincerely believe that my ancestors in faith:  family, friends and workmates who have died are all with the Lord and that on the last day we all shall rise and see God.  Once again we shall be physically reunited with each other!  It is my goal and my prayer to work to help us all be in heaven together.  It is my hope that you will help me to get there too. I hope you will help me with the greatest work of all, that of getting to heaven.

I don't know about you but I always am wondering what God looks like and what heaven really is like.

Pray for the poor souls in purgatory, someone you know, someone you don't.
On the last day, there will be the most outrageous party and everyone, everyone will be there!

Share the Good News.  Tell everyone you meet that Jesus Christ is risen.  We are saved.


And this, I heard Fr. Robert Barron say, "True love wills the good of the other."

Help me to be a very good person.

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